Guest Highlight: Kellyna Falk

Kellyna Falk is one of 3 women who created a simple-to-use guided meditation kit, called The Seven Stones, that can help you find the answers you seek using a step-by-step process to help you ask and listen for answers.

Kellyna Falk appearances on KPFK

Amy D’Ambra, Kellyna Falk, and Barbara LoPatriello got together and created a simple-to-use guided meditation kit, called The Seven Stones, that can help you find the answers you seek by using a step-by-step process to help you ask and listen for answers. Find out more about how to make meditation simple during this special fund drive show.

Lisa Garr interviews Kellyna Falk on May 23, 2001 on KPFK

Kellyna Falk appearances on The Aware Show

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