Guest Highlight: Daphne Rose Kingma
Daphne Rose Kingma does emotional healing work with individuals and groups, as well as speaking, teaching and leading workshops throughout the United States and Europe. Her books have sold more than a million copies and she has been featured on Oprah multiple times. Among her book titles are The Future of Love, Coming Apart, The 9 Types of Lovers, Finding True Love, Loving Yourself; and The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart: An Emotional and Spiritual Handbook.
Daphne Rose Kingma appearances on KPFK
Daphne Kingma has the top ten tools to guide you to healing when your life is falling apart and it feels like you’ll never recover. She will discuss ways to successfully move on after a tragic event and ways to “let go” emotionally and physically in an appropriate manner.
Lisa Garr interviews Daphne Rose Kingma on April 21, 2010 on KPFK
Daphne Rose Kingma offers her one million readers a course in the emotional and spiritual aspects of love.