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The subconscious mind is one million times more powerful and one million times faster than the conscious mind. When you can engage the subconscious, then it’s a different world. ~ Dr George Pratt

Subconscious Healing

by Dr George Pratt

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Renowned psychologist, Dr. George Pratt, is a modern-day healer and has created a brilliant formula that allows us all to tap into our highest potential. I have personally experienced his self-healing tools and found them to be incredibly effective. George is the real deal!”

Larry King, Host, Larry King Live

In this presentation, Dr. Pratt explains key concepts of energy psychology and Emotional Self-Management. He demonstrates what you can do to clear past trauma and limiting beliefs in order to create happiness and success in your life.

Topics include:

  • Effects of Trauma
  • Large or Small Emotional Loops
  • Life-Limiting Beliefs
  • Human Polarity
  • The ESM Process

Isn’t it time for you to learn how to overcome Anxiety, Fears and other Emotions so you can access your natural state of happiness and success?

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“George Pratt has an amazing gift to help you become the best you can be. He’s had a huge impact on my ability to go further than I thought possible. There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you focus your abilities. Apply what you learn from reading Code to Joy and you’ll prove that to yourself!”

Dara Torres, five-time Olympic champion, author of Age Is Just a Number

Research shows that our bodies and minds are deeply connected. Physical and emotional healing can only occur when the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged. The best way to engage your parasympathetic nervous system is with meditation.

Whether you prefer to close your eyes and listen, or to watch beautiful serene images until your eyes close naturally, this program will help you achieve a state of relaxed meditation during which profound and lasting healing can occur.

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“George Pratt’s work has made a profound impact on my life. As I have benefited from our work together, I’ve grown to love him and respect his commitment to healing.”

Benjamin Spock, M.D.

Develop your relaxation response with this guided audio meditation.

This program contains a daytime and a bedtime version, with calming ocean waves and beautiful video imagery.

This program will help you achieve a state of deep relaxation, during which profound and lasting healing can occur. Dr. Pratt has recorded sessions with alternate endings, so that you can choose a daytime or a bedtime version of the meditation exercise. These relaxations can prepare you to be awake and energized to continue your day, or prepare you for a restful sleep.

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“One of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century was the intimate connection between body, mind, and spirit. Drs. Pratt and Lambrou are on the cutting edge, turning that discovery into techniques that work. If you want to experience more joy and fulfillment, pick up a copy of Code to Joy. It could change your life.”

Larry Dossey, M.D., New York Times bestselling author of Reinventing Medicine and The Power of Premonitions,

This program uses active relaxation and hypnotic suggestion to enhance your effectiveness, sharpen your focus, and to help you reach your goals.

You will be encouraged to develop effective imagery and mental rehearsal, so you can enhance any of the high-level characteristics you may want to develop.

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“Dr. George Pratt is one of the most gifted healers on the planet today. He has been a friend, a teacher, a mentor and a lifeline to me. His work has not only touched my life but the lives of those around me as well as my global community. He is insightful, wise, loving and authentic and he offers a one-of-a-kind experience. If you haven’t read his books, attended his seminars or had a session with him, now is the time!”

Debbie Ford, Personal Coach,

How sharp and clear can you focus in your life?

Your effectiveness in the world is dampened when you lose your focus. You might forget what you are supposed to be doing, or get distracted by something inconsequential.

This short meditation uses the power of autosuggestion to hypnotize you into staying focused when you need to be. Your subconscious mind can help to keep you on track, if you provide solid guidelines for it to use when distractions appear.

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To get a good night’s rest, you need to clear your mind and relax your body, so that a restful and restorative natural state of sleep can be achieved.

You can listen to this meditation as soon as you lay down in your bed, or if you find yourself waking in the middle of the night, this meditation can also be used to assist in falling back to sleep.

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Pain is overwhelming.

While you are experiencing the sensation of pain, your brain will dampen every other perception, thought, and action in favor of focusing on your pain.

This meditation will help you manage stress, sleep more deeply, and be more comfortable while managing pain more effectively.

There are two versions of this meditation included in this offer, one for use in the daytime, as you start your day, and one for use at night, to assist you in relaxing your body and falling to sleep, pain-free.

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“Full of intriguing explanations and simple tools for psychological healing, this is a pioneering contribution… and it works! Try it.”

Donna Eden

This hypnotic meditation focuses on releasing the stress of daily living, and can also be used on general or specific anxiety.

Stress can act as friction in your life, making everything more difficult and less enjoyable. By spending twenty minutes actively releasing yourself from stress, you are freeing yourself from the difficulties that keep you from enjoying and living as you really should.

Daytime and nighttime versions are included.

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“I love George Pratt’s work. It is cutting-edge, world-class, and as powerful as it is simple. There is simply no one on the planet better at helping you get at the heart of whatever is holding you back from being your best, having amazing performance, and truly loving your life. If you’re not already living in a constant natural state of happiness, you need this book!”

John Assaraf

We all want to give and receive love as part of our lives. However, when love doesn’t work out, you may be stricken by the pain of lost or broken love, often called a broken heart. This feeling of love pain can disrupt your balance in life in both practical and profound ways including loss of concentration, sadness, lack of energy, and becoming blocked from moving ahead in life.

When love is lost, trust broken, or your heart breaks, the shock, disbelief, and even emotional trauma can damage your ability to function at work, at school, with family and friends, dampen your enjoyment of the usual pleasures of life and feel blocked in future love relationships. But you don t have to remain stuck in the grip of love pain.

By watching this video, you ll be able to actively participate in healing your own love pain as Dr. Pratt walks you through a blend of Western cognitive processes and Eastern healing methods. Emotional Self-Management (ESM), an Energy Psychology technique, uses the body’s acupressure meridian system to treat emotional issues that can take years to unravel through traditional, talk-based therapy.

ESM is a combination of breathing and relaxation exercises, focused thought, affirmations and tapping on specific pressure points in the body. It can rapidly eliminate emotional problems and blocking beliefs. The treatment has an effect on the subconscious and conscious mind as well as the body energy system. Learn these valuable techniques that will continue to serve you as the inevitable stressors of living come your way.

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This 30-minute training video will teach you and demonstrate Balanced Breathing, Correcting Polarity Reversals, The Rapid Relaxer 1-Minute Stress Reliever, and a New Streamlined Comprehensive Tap Sequence for treating most emotional distress. This video is designed for best use by readers of Instant Emotional Healing: Accupressure for the Emotions (by the same authors.)

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This clinical video provides practical instruction in the use of hypnosis for physicians, psychologists, dentists and other professionals as well as the general public. This two-hour video provides demonstrations and explanations for a wide variety of clinical applications.

Two hours of essential, practical information with demonstrations on the use of hypnosis presented by two leading experts. This DVD release has been digitized from the original film produced in 1985 by the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine


What Hypnosis is and how it should be used, Misconceptions, Ethical considerations, Hypnotic induction techniques.


Arm Levitation, Progressive Relaxation, Eye Fixation, Imagination, Cues, Deepening, Modified Breathing and Eye Closure, De-hypnotization.


What Hypnosis is and how it should be used, Misconceptions, Ethical considerations, Hypnotic induction techniques.


Idle-motor responses, Catalepsy, Anesthesia, Post-hypnotic hallucinations and amnesia, Removing post-hypnotic suggestions. Discussion of medical and psychological uses of hypnosis, Surgical, medical, and diagnostic procedures, Phobias, Autonomic nervous system control, Control of bleeding, Habit control – smoking, Pregnancy and delivery, Weight management, Allergies and asthma, Sexual dysfunction, Physical performance and rehabilitation Insomnia, and Conclusion.

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This audio program provides a powerful set of stress reduction tools that are useful for everyone to relieve stress, anxiety, as well as to improve sleep quality.

Relieve stress, muscle tension and anxiety – Improve your sleep, mood, and self-control. Function more effectively under stress. This program contains two audio exercises that include voice with calming ocean background. Stress is a part of living, however, when stress results in physical or emotional signals indicating your body or mental processes are being overloaded, it is time to take action.

Research has shown that when excessive stress continues for a period of time the body begins to show signs of distress. If left unchecked, excessive stress affects many physical and mental processes and even depresses immune system functioning resulting in disease. In fact, specialists often refer to excessive stress as the disease of civilization because many of the stressors that we face today were unknown in the earlier history of human beings.

A response to stress known as the fight, flight or freeze or adrenalin response is a survival mechanism that allows us to respond to threats in our environment. However, our civilized life seldom presents perceived dangers that can be successfully dealt with by fighting, fleeing or freezing. More often we sit and stew in the stress of our daily lives and it is precisely this inability to discharge or release tension and pressure that causes the problems associated with excessive stress.

Scientists, such as Herbert Benson, M.D., a Harvard Medical School researcher, have found that specific active techniques provide a prescription for transforming the stress response into a relaxation response. Some simple measures and exercises, such as those contained in this program, provide relief from both acute and chronic stress.

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This is a respected resource for individuals seeking a foundation in the theory and practice of hypnosis. This expanded edition provides a thorough background for those seeking training in hypnosis. This book has been used for graduate university medical and graduate school courses in clinical hypnosis as well as information source for the general public.

This classic work is the definitive introduction to the many uses of hypnosis in medicine, psychology, and dentistry. This book is designed to introduce hypnosis to the general public and to help health care professionals safely and confidently use hypnosis. This book provides valuable background information as well as practical instruction on hypnotic techniques. Offers a wide variety of proven induction techniques and includes easy-to-follow instructions for such proven approaches as the movie method, clenched fist induction, the coin technique, the confusion technique, and many others. Also contains practical information on what to look for in a patient’s words and actions to verify that a trance has been induced.

Up-to-date, concise, yet comprehensive…this [book] is a state-of-the-art presentation of what we know and how we practice hypnosis today. I now have a quality single-source reference which I can recommend with assurance to colleagues, students, and interested lay persons –Melvin A. Gravitz, Ph.D., Past President, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

A work of this importance surfaces only once in a blue moon. As a comprehensive introduction to hypnosis for the professional, one would have to look hard to find an equal…really good reading…outstanding. Written in plain, non-technical English. One of those few books that will stay within arm’s reach. –Hypnotherapy Today.

A rich storehouse of information…practical word-by-word induction techniques not only for inducing hypnosis, but also for treating various clinical conditions…truly a ‘tour de force.’ –William S. Koger, M.D., Author of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

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Hyper-Performance shows the way to optimal performance in the workplace. You learn how to avoid becoming an SOP (stressed-out-person) and to convert anxiety or worry into passion and productivity. Within the book are self-assessments and a step-by-step guide to releasing your business and life potential.Work is seductive. For some, it can even be addictive. Successful people often claim they love their work. But not everybody who works long hours shares this enthusiasm. The pressure to perform can create unnecessary, destructive stress and leave one physically and emotionally burned out. The difference between burnout and achievement lies in the ability to manage the pressure, the hours, the pace – in having the strength and mental toughness to make your job work for you. Where does this strength come from?
The authors found the answer in their work with executives, managers and surprisingly, professional athletes. They discovered these groups share a number of key traits that enable them to withstand high-tension environments and remain focused on their objectives. More importantly, the authors discovered these traits can be developed and intensified. They call this level of mental fitness hyper- performance; and in this step-by-step program, they show you how to reach it. Hyper-Performance is a shape-up program for mental fitness that strengthens your mind’s agility, resilience and staying power – and transforms destructive on-the-job stress into vital, creative energy.

The foundation of Hyper-Performance is the AIM Super-skills strategy. Based on techniques of imagery and relaxation used by top athletes, AIM is a point-by-point, systematic program you can use to achieve optimal performance. Using the AIM strategy, you will learn how to overcome the obstacles – both self-imposed and external – that keep you from performing at your best.

Personal Inventory Profile

This evaluation tool is a companion to the Hyper-Performance book.

Aim Strategy

This audio companion to the Hyper-Performance book is narrated by the authors and provides the essential information for becoming an optimal performer in the workplace and in life. The A.I.M. strategy involves active relaxation, imagery and visualization of targeted goals and mental rehearsal of the steps along the away. Subconscious exercises will keep you goal-oriented, motivated and balanced.

Super-Achievers are made, not born – and you can become one, too. Using top athletic training and competition models, Drs. Pratt and Korn demonstrate how you as a business person, can achieve better job performance and enhance personal power and satisfaction. Their A.I.M. Strategy, a complete fitness program for your mind, will strengthen your business skills the way exercise strengthens your body. Listen to these profiles and strategies of hyper-performance and join the business elite who operate at a level beyond stress.

Optimize Your Success Workbook

This Workbook guides you through the processes outlined in Hyper-Performance and AiM Strategy and provides links to additional instructional material.


Dr George Pratt

Dr George Pratt is a clinical and consulting psychologist and bestselling author of Code to Joy. Dr Pratt has been in private practice in La Jolla, CA for over thirty years specializing in mind/body techniques, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and performance enhancement.

Dr Pratt is Past-Chairman of Psychology, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, and has been on staff for twenty-five years. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Past President of the San Diego Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and is a Reiki Master.

His other books include: Instant Emotional Healing: Acupressure For the Emotions, Hyper-Performance: Release Your Business Potential and A Clinical Hypnosis Primer. He has been a frequent guest on Larry King Live and Coast to Coast AM. He has guest co-hosted Loveline for Dr. Drew, presented along with Tony Robbins as well as John Assaraf and has been featured on MTV.

Dr Pratt has helped Superbowl champions, Olympic medalists, professional athletes, business executives, Academy Award and Grammy winners, vets and trauma victims, in addition to thousands of individuals from all walks of life. He provides one-on-one sessions in his La Jolla, California, as well as phone and Skype consultations around the world helping anyone achieve their goals. His Power of Energy seminars on the big island of Hawaii include swimming with dolphins in the open ocean along the Kona Coast.

Dr George Pratt’s Appearances on The Aware Show

Dr George Pratt on KPFK

Dr George Pratt Quotes

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Dr George Pratt Testimonials

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