Guest Highlight: Ann Cornell
Ann Weiser Cornell is a best-selling author, educator, and worldwide authority on Focusing, the self-awareness method developed by her mentor, Eugene Gendlin. She is perhaps the best-known Focusing teacher in the world, having taught in twenty countries around the world for the past twenty-five years. She and Barbara McGavin have created Inner Relationship Focusing, which is especially helpful when you feel overwhelmed by emotional states – bringing you inner strength, confidence, and clarity.
Ann loves helping you listen with compassion to every part of yourself, especially those little whispers from something deep inside which has been longing to emerge. She is passionate about supporting you as you turn around states of low self-worth and procrastination so you can live the big life you were born to live. “There are no enemies inside,” as Ann likes to say. What excites her the most is showing you how awareness itself can be the source of powerful life change and transformation.
She is the author of The Radical Acceptance of Everything and her bestseller, The Power of Focusing, as well as Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change. She is also a Past President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology.
Ann has given presentations and trainings in Inner Relationship Focusing at the Esalen Institute, the Psychotherapy Networker Conference, the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, the American Psychological Association, and the Cape Cod Institute, as well as offering over 75 privately organized workshops and phone seminars every year.
Ann was a Woodrow Wilson scholar at the University of Chicago, where she received her PhD in Linguistics in 1975. She puts her linguistics training to use with her fine attention to the language that awakens inner process, which she calls “the art of facilitative language.”
Ann Cornell appearances on KPFK
Ann Cornell appearances on The Aware Show
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