Guest Highlight: Dr. Crystal Bedford ND

Dr. Crystal Bedford, ND is a naturopathic doctor, massage therapist, advanced iridoligist, and Quantum Biofeedback specialist in the Fort Collins, CO area.

Dr. Crystal Bedford ND appearances on KPFK

As part of KPFK’s Winter Fund Drive, Merrilyn Jovin, Head of Global Marketing for Tropi-Ceel Products, discusses ways to receive nutrition through a topical creme. This topical formula allows the body to heal from aches, pains, inflammation and more naturally by providing essential nutritional support.  She is joined by Dr. Crystal Bedford, ND, who validates everything Merrilyn is saying in terms of its use and effectiveness.

Lisa Garr interviews Crystal Bedford on February 17, 2010 on KPFK

Dr. Crystal Bedford ND appearances on The Aware Show

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Products by Dr. Crystal Bedford ND