Guest Highlight: Dr. Jaap van Etten
Dr. Jaap van Etten, Founder of the “Center for Personal and Planetary Transformation,” is an energy healer who holds a Ph.D. in Biology with a focus on ecology—the study of the interrelationship between living beings and their environment. Over the years, his studies included the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of life. He also studied the human energy system. During these studies, he developed inner sight and knowing into the unseen realms. He utilizes these abilities together with his knowledge to continue his study of the interaction between the subtle energies of ourselves and those of the world around us. He calls this study “metaphysical ecology.” Jaap has explored hundreds of vortexes in the Sedona area to understand Earth’s energy lines and power spots and how they affect the human energy system.
Dr. Jaap van Etten appearances on KPFK
Dr. Jaap van Etten, Founder of the “Center for Personal and Planetary Transformation,” is an energy healer who holds a Ph.D. in Biology. Today he discusses the Earth’s energies and how they relate to our body’s subtle energy fields including our meridians, chakras, and auras. He further discusses how our internal systems correspond to our energetic counterparts.