Guest Highlight: Dr. Shelley Stockwell

Hypnotherapist Dr. Shelley Stockwell, Founder of the International Hypnosis Federation and is asked to be the featured presenter at conferences all over the world. The International Hypnosis Federation focuses on the mind, body and spirit connection and is open to all types of modalities not just Hypnotherapists.

Dr. Shelley Stockwell appearances on KPFK

Hypnotherapist Dr. Shelley Stockwell, Founder of the International Hypnosis Federation, shares knowledge about the many benefits of hypnosis. She also discusses her wonderful books as well as the upcoming Holistica Expo to be held in Pasadena on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd during this special fund drive show.

Lisa Garr interviews Dr. Shelley Stockwell on October 24, 2002 on KPFK

Dr. Shelley Stockwell appearances on The Aware Show

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