Guest Highlight: Holli Walker
After running several successful businesses in the food industry (her dessert products were in grocery stores nationwide), Holli Walker decided to leave her abusive husband and troubled family life, take her three children and seek a fresh start. She began studying teachings of the great thinkers, mentors and leaders in the Personal Development industry and decided to become a certified life coach. Shortly thereafter, she created and produced the inspiring, motivational film, “Beyond The Secret.” In 2008, she was hired by the legendary Bob Proctor to run his new company, Life Success TV. In 2009, Holli left Life Success and began her own company, 180 Enterprises, with the mission of helping women transform their lives.
Holli Walker appearances on KPFK
Life Coaches Holli Walker and Paul Martinelli discuss their latest film project, “Beyond the Secret,” which further explores the Law of Attraction. This film will be shown in theaters nationwide on Thursday, Jan. 15th.