Guest Highlight: Marilyn Innerfeld

Author Marilyn Innerfeld battled colon cancer twice, and has learned about healing from illness and emotional trauma. She is a medical intuitive and currently focuses on helping clients achieve total wellness through one-on-one work and workshops which teach the power of having self-love. Her book is Healing Through Love.

Marilyn Innerfeld appearances on KPFK

The author of the book Healing Through Love, Marilyn Innerfeld battled colon cancer twice. So she has some insights for people living with cancer. While she was going through it all, she discovered she couldn’t heal when she was constantly living in hope. Listen as Marilyn talks about this concept and the alternative more powerful choices we can make.

Lisa Garr interviews Marilyn Innerfeld on May 6, 2004 on KPFK

Marilyn Innerfeld appearances on The Aware Show

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