Guest Highlight: Wayne Perry

Founder and director of the Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, Mr. Perry has been in private practice as a sound therapist and vibrational healer since 1992.  He has garnered international acclaim by conducting healing sessions, classes, and workshops in England, Italy, Egypt, and Japan, as well as in most major cities across the United States.

Wayne Perry appearances on KPFK

Founder and Director of the Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, sound therapist Wayne Perry uses vibrational tones for balance and healing. He’s on the show today to explain the concept that we all emit frequencies and that our voice reflects our unique brain wave patterns. And in turn these tones can be used to heal our bodies. Tune in to hear more about this concept and to also hear some of his unique sound healing tones.

Lisa Garr interviews Wayne Perry on July 10, 2002 on KPFK

Wayne Perry appearances on The Aware Show

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